The rest of it!
Welcome to Preston!
We're only in the first month of 2016 and already this year is shaping up to be one of the most excellent and prominent in Dutton International's history! To follow the success of a recent branch opening in Central London, we are extremely excited to share with you the second Dutton branch opening of the year, our new office in Preston.
To add to the expansion and exciting ongoing changes here at Dutton, we are very eager to announce the opening of our new branch in Central London.
In 2016, as the UK economy continues to return once again to its high levels of growth, Central London represents a huge growth opportunity for the brand.
We're delighted to be included in the second edition of London Stock Exchange Group's 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain.
This landmark report is known for featuring the UK's most exciting and dynamic small and medium-sized businesses.
First Class Staff: Dutton International Elected as Sheffield Hallam University Recruitment Specialists
We're pleased to announce Dutton International have been selected to be one of two preferred suppliers to Sheffield Hallam University.
Happy New Year!!
On the eve of a new year and at the end of our 29th year in business we would like to take this last opportunity to wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2012. In what has been the most profitable year on record for the Dutton International group and seen new growth acquisitions and diversification of operations; we would like to thank all of our Clients, Staff and Candidates for their commitment and loyalty.
Client partnership supports School cycling initiative
As mentioned previously on the Dutton International blog; we have been supporting one of our Clients Willmott Dixon in their endeavors across the country to support communities in areas in which they are working. This week (and just in time for Christmas) we have donated bicycles, as promised, to the winners of a road safety campaign run by Willmott Dixon in schools in Cumbria and Essex. Schoolchildren were tasked with creating road safety posters and the winning artists were chosen and prizes awarded.
Your opportunity to work for Dutton International
Do you work in Recruitment? Regardless of your industry Dutton International is interested in you. Your potential is what drives us. What makes us stand out as a recruitment business isn't just our 30 years of success within the industry, it isn't our bespoke, well appointed offices across the UK, it isn't even the phenomenal financial strength that we are lucky to have behind us.
Supporting our Client's charitable endeavours
As ever, we take a constant interest in the communities within which we operate and our Clients which work within them. Our Sheffield Construction Division was recently contacted by Liam Swords, Assistant Site Manager for Vinci Construction, informing us about his involvement in a charitable challenge he was undertaking as part of his Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, we thought it was appropriate to lend a financial hand to supporting his efforts. As a Client we are proud to support Vinci Construction through major temporary recruitment supply nationwide we were keen to see them find success in their goals wherever they work.
NOF Partnership Continues
As an established recruitment group within the Energy Engineering sector we have continued to forge links with organisations supporting our sector. For the last 2 years we have been working in partnership with NOF Energy to further our reach into the industry and to demonstrate our capacity to support Engineering companies involved in the Energy Sector.