Yorkshire Fastest 50!
5th March 2019

As you will know, the last few years have been ones of fantastic growth for us here at Dutton Recruitment. We have delivered exponential growth in both turnover and profits, due to many large client wins, and our continued dedication to providing a diverse and talented candidate pool.
What you may not know, is this growth has not just been restricted to Dutton Recruitment. Other businesses in our Group (Portland Investment Group), have also been thriving. Portland Training for example has had a fantastic few years.
This has led to Portland Investment Group, being named in the Yorkshire Fastest 50!
“Organised by leading commercial law firm Ward Hadaway and backed by The Yorkshire Post, the list highlights and celebrates the achievements of the profitable, privately-owned companies in the region which have grown their turnover by the largest amount in recent years.”
We are absolutely thrilled to be included in this list, and it really represents the hard work and determination of every member of staff, in every group business.
On March 22nd the awards will take place in Leeds, where the overall winners will be announced. Either way, we are extremely excited to be included in this list.
To find out more about the awards, and to see who else has been nominated, click here - https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/business/the-yorkshire-fastest-50-2019-here-are-the-rising-stars-of-the-corporate-world-1-9629209
5th March 2019