Welcoming our new Essex Branch Manager – James Smale!
21st September 2018

So, tell us a bit about yourself!
I am an experienced recruiter who specialises in the M&E sector, and grew up here in Essex.
In terms of hobbies, I’m into my bodybuilding – the gym and stuff. My ultimate goal with that is to compete, so fingers crossed. Also, a big football fan.
My biggest thing is definitely films – I am a big film nerd! (laughs). Favourite film… probably Warrior? Maybe the Rocky films? There’s so many! But yeah, really into films.
What made you want to join Dutton Recruitment?
When I met with the CEO Adam, I was really impressed with the passion he had not only for Dutton, but for Recruitment in general. The approach Dutton seemed to be taking was refreshing as well – definitely something I could get behind.
Its also great to get on board with a business experiencing growth, and Dutton really seemed like it was in a very exciting place.
How does Dutton Recruitment compare to other recruiters?
I think with so many out there, it is rare to see strategic growth like we are experiencing. The way Dutton supports its candidates and clients is rare as well – there’s a definite love of the process here!
Also, I’m only a few weeks in and it already feels like more than just a job, so that’s always a lovely bonus. It’s a bit of a cliché, but Dutton definitely feels like a family.
What do you like about working in Recruitment?
I obviously specialise in M&E, and it’s a great industry to be involved in. It really pays to be yourself, and it wins business to be honest and friendly, and I think that’s important. There is a lot of face-to-face interaction with Clients and Candidates and I really enjoy that.
In terms of Recruitment in general, the buzz you get when you find someone work, or gain a new client is amazing. The adrenaline and fast-paced nature of it is certainly something I enjoy.
What impact do you hope to have here?
Growth, growth, growth! (laughs). But seriously this branch is already thriving, and has been growing fantastically over the last few years. I really just want to push that further, and keep expanding on what we have currently.
Most importantly though I want to continue to deliver a transparent, committed and trustworthy service to everyone we work with. There seems to be a worrying lack of that from certain agencies at the moment, so I think it is crucial that we continue to put our Candidates and Clients needs above all else.
If you would like to work for, or find labour through, James and his team, don’t hesitate to contact them on essex@duttonrecruitment.com or 01708 728 826.
21st September 2018