Quick-fire Q&A - Lucy Wilton
17th September 2019
This week we’re talking to Lucy Wilton, a member of our fabulous back office team!
Lucy works in accounts so is responsible for looking after the numbers, alongside studying for her AAT exams. From maintaining purchase ledgers to weekly cash flashes, she’s certainly kept busy.
1. What was your first ever job?
I did a bit of waitressing when I was 17 and HATED it – it was so stressful and I was always so scared of spilling things on people!
2. How long have you been in Accounting?
Around 1.5 years.
3. What's your favourite thing about the industry?
I love that there’s so many different routes you can go down – the jobs relating to finance are endless and there’s always new skills to be learning.
4. ...and what your least favourite thing?
That you have to be constantly on the ball with everything! Even the smallest mistake can lead to a snowball effect so there is no room for error.
5. What made you want to join Dutton Recruitment?
I was offered an excellent opportunity with training; I’ve learnt so much so far and look forward to seeing where it may lead. It also helped that I knew I’d be working within a great team in back office.
6. What's something you can't live without at work?
I definitely couldn’t cope without Coffee.
7. Tea or Coffee?
8. What’s your favourite thing to do outside of work?
Going out for food and drinks.
9. What is your main goal at Dutton Recruitment?
To try and finish my AAT and potentially start further qualifications. Studying and exams aren’t always fun after a long day at work but it’s necessary for me to progress!
And finally
10. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
Probably somewhere warm – Greece maybe? I’m trying to hold on to summer for as long as possible!
If you, like Lucy, are looking for a role that could kickstart a career we are always looking for young, ambitious people to join the Dutton family!
Please don't hesistate to get in touch and see what we have to offer.
17th September 2019