Mental health at work
20th March 2020

Mental health is an extremely important part of life - in fact, it's equally as important as your physical health!
Because of this, you need to take steps to ensure good mental health. Sometimes, with life's busyness, it can be difficult to stop and remember to look after ourselves mentally - especially at work.
But work is the most important place to do it - after all, it occupies a lot of our time.
Here are our tips for good mental health at work...
1) Get active!
Regular physical activity can help to improve mood and maintain positivity.
Remember this, even when you're busy! Try to take the stairs, not the lift, and go for a walk to clear your head during lunch.
2) Learn!
Learning is great both for the mind, and for self-esteem.
It can be easy to get stuck in a routine. Push yourself to do new things - whether it is a new skill, or a new task.
3) Make lists!
To-do lists are great! Write down all of your tasks, no matter how small.
This will help you feel on-top of things and aid prioritising. Plus, it feels great to cross off a completed task!
4) Ask for help!
Do you feel overwhelmed by your workload or responsibilities? Talk to someone!
Don't be afraid to ask for help or share your concerns - there are probably others who feel the same way.
5) Take breaks!
Make time to have proper breaks and refresh your mind, even when you're busy!
Not just at lunch either... Don't be afraid to take 2 minutes every so often when you feel it is needed.
Remember, this is just a list for mental health at work... there's lots of other things you can do in your personal life too! Overall, good mental health is about balance and self-awareness - different people find different things helpful.
What helps you maintain good mental health?
20th March 2020