Dutton International is Changing...
26th February 2016

Here at Dutton we like to keep ourselves at the top of our game, and we felt it was time to modernise and refresh our brand. Throughout our 34 years you may have noticed we have adapted our branding to maintain a fresh image as we grew. Here's a look at our transformation over the last few years...
Brand Development
But this re brand is by far the most exciting, a lot of work and time has gone into the remodel, and we are very pleased to show you all what we have been working on for the past few months. Dutton International will be transforming into "Dutton Recruitment", a name we feel represents the business much more accordingly. The Dutton "Globe" has become quite memorable over the years, so whilst we decided to modernise our logo it was still important to us that we kept the iconic logo which everyone recognises. We have also made alterations to the font, and finely tuned our colours to update our brand, whilst not straying too far from our previous theme.
Things you need to look out for
Although the change will be implemented from the 01.03.16, the implementation will be staggered across the remainder of the year.
Our email addresses will be changing, to first.lastname@duttonrecruitment.com, but don't worry our old ones will get redirected for now during the transition.
Our website will also be having a facelift, we will be changing domains to duttonrecruitment.com, and our website will incorporate the new theme with animated images and use them to illustrate the various industries whilst visitors navigate our on-line pages. It will also display a meet the managers section, giving our clients and candidates the opportunity to see who they are dealing with for a more personal experience.
Social Media
To keep up in this digital age we decided it's time to really focus on our social media. Dutton Recruitment wants to comer with our clients and candidates more than ever, putting great emphasis on our online presence. You will be able to keep up with what's going on at Dutton with regular blog posts and updates on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, plus the opportunity to get to know our recruiters and mangers better with regular pictures and bios of new and existing members of our team.
Get Involved!
We want you to get involved and be a part of Dutton Recruitment, if there's anything you'd like to say get in touch with us via our online profiles or our websites. Were always happy to hear from you.
26th February 2016