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Branch-Watch - Hull

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Branch-Watch - Hull

Our Hull Branch first opened all the way back in 1999. It began exclusively sourcing staff in the Nursing & Medical industry and this became an extremely successful industry for us. This was also when the current branch manager, Matt Stephenson, joined the branch.

As it grew it began to branch out to the Construction & Engineering Industries, and the versatility of the branch helped it to continue its exponential growth, and stand out against it's competitors. It became a well-known name in the Yorkshire & Humber region, and helped to further the growth of our Northern presence in general.

However, when the recession hit, Dutton underwent a centralisation of it’s Engineering and Construction desks, with much of the Northern operation moving to South Yorkshire. Despite this, the Nursing & Medical side of things (now led by Matt) continued to thrive and expand, and the branch became a specialist in the field. Despite fears, the branch took the change in it's stride, adapted, and has become even more successful because of it.

Now at the present day, the branch is still growing rapidly – with Matt as Branch Manager, and a passionate team, they have a brilliant reputation within the Care industry and the Hull area.



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